AS Coursework - Evaluation Questions
Evaluation Question 5
How did you attract/address your audience?
Age of our characters / Actors
The element of age was a fundamental category used to attract an audience and our target audience on the basis of creating a young cast similar to our own age of 14/18 to which fits with a teenage / young adult audience, whom we used as our target audience. We believe we fit the stereotypes of teenage violence by using criminality in or film associated with the characters which adds mystery and adrenaline with our action-packed film.
The cast:
The cast:
Genre / style used for our film
The genre used for our film is an action film. We used this because in relation to our target audience, the preferred genre for that age group was action. Moreover, Action has penultimately been successful in box office and independent sales growing as one of the most used genres of film due to high demand and popularity from previous successful films. We feel that the type of style we were trying to recreate was a rocky style film with a completely original twist mixing with a depressed and mental state illusion to show the importance of mental illness affecting lifestyle in professional sport. We wanted to use modern and varied camera shots and angles to show creativity and attract a wider ranged audience. The chase and the punch indicated action due to the violence and aggression used to help the audience understand the film and feel convinced with the genre.
How did you attract / address your audience?
we casted individuals similar age to the target audience to attract as many people as we can whom fitting in the target audience criteria. The music and editing also merged well with the film and fitted well in the genre of action. We chose our genre being action because its successful in box office and independent sales and also popular in all age groups especially in our target audience which helps confidence grow in the film and also attracts more people in total than other less popular film genres such as art house for example which then attracts a wider audience.
Music chosen for our final cut
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